Strictly speaking, Nostalgia implies a passion to recover lost traditions, and modernity as its theorists carries in its core a feeling of necessity to reject every form of tradition. It thus seems that the experience of modernity and the experience of nostalgia stand radically in two opposite camps. The aim of this article is to shed light on how nostalgia, in a sociological sense, is a result or consequence of transforming from a pre-modern world to a modern world. To this effect, three key thinkers and critics of modernity have assisted us: Georg Simmel, Max Weber and Georg Lukacs. Simmel by tragedy of culture, Weber by Instrumental rationality and Bureaucratization and Lukacs by discussing forms of fetishism and reification, in one way or another, tried to identify the cultural core of modernity. By emphasizing on some canonical works of western modern literature and modern art schools, it is endeavored to reformulate and conceptualize the relationship between nostalgia, modernity and modernism and ultimately it will be shown how the contemporary world, through its all dimensions, conveys different cultural forms of nostalgia. |
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